The Rest of Montana and North Dakota

The cookie I got at the Perkins Family Restaurant Basement Hotel looked like this.


As far as abominations go, this one was reasonably delicious.

However, the falls of Great Falls, Montana, were not looking so great. There seems to be some kind of major drought going on in this part of the country. Granted this is behind a dam, but I have to believe that the Missouri river has seen better days than this.


I stayed in Bozeman that night and got a pretty early start the next morning. Shortly after leaving town, I was once again excited for the possibility of a live bear show by this sign.


Not even an entertaining music show this time. Nothing. Closed for the season. To make matters worse, the rest of the drive looked a lot like this.


North Dakota does have some badlands toward the west side of the state. I don’t know if they are worse than South Dakota’s badlands, but they looked pretty bad to me.


After an extremely uneventful stay in Bismarck, ND, I put another long day of driving in and met up with my cousin Nina in St. Paul, Minnesota.

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